Most frequent questions and answers
It depends on when we receive the order. If we receive the order by 3 p.m. CST we typically ship in 2 days. If you need it ASAP, just click “Guaranteed Same or Processing” on the checkout page and your order can get processed as soon as the same day and no later than the next day, GUARANTEED.
It is like anything else, use all safety recommendations and common sense and it is perfectly safe.
Sure. Keep the rental as long as you would like (as long as payment information is current and able to process) and it will automatically renew.
We ship FedEx Ground. It takes 1-4 business days to be delivered. Use the map below as a guide.
Your rental is due back on the same numbered day the order was placed on.
- A 1 month rental if ordered on the 15th of July would be due on the 15th of August.
- A 2 week rental if ordered on the 15th of July would be due back on the 29th of July.
We offer a 5 day grace period to help with any delays.
Find a local gas distributor or welding supply store in your area, both of these types of businesses will fill liquid nitrogen. Search for Airgas, they are a common company that fills liquid nitrogen. If you are interested in the dry vapor shipper for biological samples, then we have the option of charging it with liquid nitrogen.
Ship all rentals back to:
N2 Rentals
801 W 33rd St., 5156
Edmond, OK
- Email the tracking number to Info@N2Rentals.com so we are aware the shipment is in transit.
- Please DO NOT REQUIRE A SIGNATURE from the carrier.
- If your rental is received within five days of the automatic payment, a refund will be issued.
At this time the minimum rental period is 1 month for our larger dewars and our 4 liter dewar we have the option of a 2 week rental.